I've been having some problems renewing my domain pillowbasher.net. Apparently the original host I was using, transfered me to another company without telling me, and now I can't log into this new company because I don't have an account with them..... So I'm not really sure what to do.
The only way I can get it back is if I send them a government issued ID and a signature, but that's a little risky to send some random person.
I may be switching over to pillowbasher.ca, but for now just check out my blog for any updates. You can subscribe so that when I do get my site up you'll hear about it faster. http://pillowbasher.blogspot.com/
I'd get the original hosts MSN/AIM or something and chat to him about it.
P.S | Yummy, diced ham cookies.
the original host is apparently not a business anymore, but I'll see what I can do. Thanks